EDV-Distribution & Co.KG
Gewerbestrasse 37
D-79194 Gundelfingen i.Br.
Tel.: 0761-592100
Fax: 0761-585228
E-Mail: info@hantz.de
Personally liable shareholder of HANTZ + PARTNER GMBH EDV-Distribution & Co.KG: PC500 GmbH, Geschäftsführer Herr Wolfgang Hantz
Registry court: Amtsgericht Freiburg Register-Nr. HRA 4400
Sales tax identification number: DE 190 940 097
Important information about our shop:
Our web pages are only intended for commercial customers, industry and trade. All prices are shown without the legal value added tax. The shipping costs are calculated at the end of the order process, whereby as a rule a lump sum of 7 to 12 euros or the equivalent value in another currency is charged. A subsequent change is necessary for very heavy parcels and cash on delivery charges, as weights and special shipping methods cannot currently be taken into account in our shop system. The order process can be cancelled at any time until the last explicit confirmation, so that the total amount of the order including the usual shipping costs and VAT is visible before the final order is placed.
Please note that the provisions of the Distance Selling Act in the commercial field among fully qualified merchants have no or only limited validity and are therefore rejected by us in any case. The notice with revocation instruction intended and required for end customers is therefore only given for the sake of completeness and to meet the deadline in the event of a dispute. You will receive further important information about our terms and conditions, which are part of every order and cannot be restricted without express written consent.
Disclaimer for external content: No liability can be assumed for the content of external websites or those of our suppliers or sales partners to whom links to or from our website may exist, despite the greatest care and periodic checks. Responsible for the content of this website: Wolfgang Hantz.
Trademarks and copyrights: All brand names on our websites are registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers. We make no claims or rights of use to any trademarks or trade marks which are not our property.
Not all illustrations in the shop system represent the offered product necessarily. They serve to visualize the description or for orientation. This applies mainly to illustrations with several products. All pictures and texts of this shop are protected by copyright. A publication (also in extracts) requires a written permission, which, however, is usually granted if the use is stated.
Data protection: The protection of your personal data has absolute priority. All your data will therefore only be used within HANTZ + PARTNER and will not be made available to any other company. You can also block your address, telephone/fax number and especially e-mail address for our information mailings informally at any time. A short e-mail, phone call or fax is sufficient for permanent removal.
Online Dispute Resolution
The EU Online Dispute Resolution Platform (OS Platform) is a single point of contact for consumers and entrepreneurs to settle out of court disputes relating to online purchase contracts and online service contracts between a consumer residing in the EU and an entrepreneur established in the EU. You can find the platform at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/